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As 12 crianças e o treinador de futebol encontrados vivos após nove dias presos numa gruta no norte da Tailândia vão receber quatro meses de mantimentos e aulas mergulho, informou esta terça-feira o exército. “Vamos enviar comida extra para pelo menos quatro meses e treinar os 13 [membros do grupo] para mergulhar, enquanto continuam a […]

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The Valsugana (Italian: Valsugana, German: Suganertal) or Sugana Valley is one of the most important valleys in the autonomous province of Trentino in Northern Italy.Leading into the Alps' foothills, an important main north-south Roman road, the Via Claudia Augusta, one of Europe's main roads since its construction in Antiquity, winds along the valley and connects the Adriatic with the

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